what is
Independence Way?

Independence Way, is a history trail celebrating the people of Knockraha and their involvement in Ireland’s struggle to establish an independent state and become a self-governing nation.
The trail stretches north from the N25 at the Fota roundabout near Carrigtwohill to the N8 at Watergrasshill. It meanders through a scenic rural community that is also rich in early Irish history.

There are twelve information signs, along the trail, telling the story of those who risked everything against one of the world’s most predominant military forces. It is a privilege to walk the pathways that were carved by those people on their way to freedom. They were one of many tributaries that contributed to the great river that gave birth to Irish independence.

A truce was negotiated in July 1921 between the Irish Republican Army and the British Crown forces. The free state was established in December 1922 through the Anglo-Irish treaty of December 1921. The treaty led to a bitter civil war. The republicans opposed the treaty led by Éamon de Valera. The free state army under the command of General Michael Collins with superior forces eventually prevailed. The Irish Civil War ended in April 1923.

W.T. Cosgrave led the first Irish free state government of twenty-six counties. The northern six counties, known as the North of Ireland , remained outside the free state with a Unionist majority under British rule.

In April 1949 the free state of Ireland, under the Republic of Ireland Act, declared the twenty-six counties of Ireland a Republic. The new Irish Republic also terminated its membership of the British Commonwealth, thus closing a chapter in Irish history that went back many generations.

Slí na Saoirse (Independence Way)

Cosán staire atá i “Slí na Saoirse” ag ceiliúradh muintir Chnoc Rátha agus an baint a bhí acu le Saorstát na hÉireann a bhaint amach ar dtús agus le Poblacht na hÉireann a bhaint amach sa deireadh.

Téann an cosán ó thuaidh ón N25 in aice le timpeallán Fota (cóngarach do Charraig Thuathail) go dtí an N8 in aice le Cnocán na Biolraí. Casann agus lúbann an cosán trí cheantar spéiriúil, áit álainn, atá lán nó atá saibhir le Stair na hÉireann.

Tá dhá chomhartha eolais déag ar an gcosán, ag cur in iúl scéalta na ndaoine a chuir a gcuid sábháilteachta i mbaol i gcoinnibh ceann de na harm nó ceann de na fórsaí míleata is cumhachtaí ar domhan.

Pribhléid is ea é, an cosán céanna a shiúil is a shiúil na ndaoine san, a throid ar son saoirse na tíre nó a throid ar son Saoirse na hÉireann.

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